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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.


To become dissatisfied with one's self is to desire something better, and this desire is inspired of God. Our blessed Master has said, and is still saying: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.


Outline of a discourse preached in Chickering Hall Boston Mass. , by the Pastor of the Church of Christ, Scientist.


The following address by the Reverend Mary Baker G. Eddy was read by W.


A CHRISTIAN Scientist does not wait for the beginning of a new year to make fresh resolves, but every day consecrates existence anew to the one God, the triune Principle— Life, Truth, and Love: yet perhaps it would not come amiss at this season, to make a stronger effort to rise above material sense; and can we do better than to try with renewed effort to devote ourselves to the Cause we all love so dearly. The Journal is a most important factor in the work, and surely we would love to assist in any way helpful to the Cause; but it may not occur to some that each of us owes it to the Journal, to give it of our best thought.

The following is from the Christian Register, the Unitarian organ of Boston. To the Editor of the Christian Register :— These grand words I quote from editorial, first page of Register, April 14, 1892: "There is no office which Jesus fulfilled, no power that he possessed, which may not be shared and fulfilled by those who have his spirit.


WE consider the works of Jesus marvelous, and so they are, but they are not more marvelous than his words. It never seemed to him necessary to adapt Truth to the preconceived views of those in error, to change the Law of God to correspond to the laws made by those who were under the law of sin and sense, and so fettered by its unjust bonds, that the "perfect law of God" was often accounted one of transgression, and obedience to it condemned one as a transgressor.


And when he is come he will convince the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. John xvi.


Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away: behold, all things are become new. 2 Cor.

For each generation since human thought first learned to formulate itself, and the Father of Philosophy, the "Master of them that know," shaped a mould for the vague, uncertain conceptions of men, hardly one has dared speak to the full its own conviction. Six thousand recorded years of struggle toward truth, six million it may be of unrecorded, and truth seeker and truth speaker alike have found themselves on the scaffold with the jeering' lips and mocking eyes of the faithful and unquestioning, their last tangible impression of the summary of truth for this side of the veil.


WHY is Science and Health , of which Rev. Mary B.