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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

My little girl often assists me in writing out the Sunday-school lessons. Last week, when we came to the verse where the woman was taken before Jesus, and he said, "Let him that is without sin cast the first stone," she said: "Mamma, I have a thought.

Romaine C———, nine years old, has a very clear understanding of Science and Health, and demonstrates both for himself and others. He was asked to give his sister a treatment for "La Grippe.

The other day, nurse couldn't get baby to go to sleep. She tried very hard—something we don't have to do in Science; because we know God does things for us.

I have in Sunday school a class of twenty-five, between the ages of four and thirteen years. Some of the mothers have asked me to allow them to come and sit in class with their little ones.

A lady who has been very successful in healing says she owes it mainly to her two little daughters, and in corroboration tells the following:— I should have stumbled many a time, through my blindness, had not their clear perception of Truth and their watchfulness saved me. They are so wise in their childish way! One day my little Lilla overheard me say that I had so many patients I thought I could not take any more.


For three weeks the thermometer had stood at an average of 104° in the shade, and for still longer time not a drop of rain! The early vegetables drooped and dried up where they were growing. Even the grass turned sere and yellow; and the dust rose in clouds as it was disturbed by moving teams and vehicles in the roads.


1. What is the definition of baptism? Science and Health defines it as, "Purification by spirit; being submerged in truth.


In the book of the revelation of St. John, there is related a vision of higher thought, in which the inspired seer beholds the destiny of the suffering and persecuted disciples of Truth.


Who is mine enemy, that I should love him? Is it a creature or a thing outside my own creation? Can I see an enemy, except I first formulate this enemy and then look upon the object of my own conception? What is it that harms me? Can "height, or depth, or any other creature" separate me from the Love that is Good—that blesses infinitely one and all? We may simply count our enemy to be that which defiles, defaces and dethrones the Christ-image that we should reflect. Whatever purifies, sanctifies, and consecrates human life is not an enemy.


Annie sat a long while gazing pensively out of the window one day; her thoughts far, far away, and her eyes evidently not seeing the pretty landscape upon which they apparently rested. Her whole attitude was one of complete self-forgetfulness; and her mother, who sat quietly sewing beside, watched with interest the varied expressions that flitted over her face.