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Your Insights

The little lily

One Wednesday evening while sitting in church, I was drawn to notice a small lily plant on the table beside the First Reader. “It is so quiet,” I thought.

Spiritual regeneration

Many people struggle with finding purpose at some time in their lives. I found this question prodding at me throughout my high school and college years.

No stoppage time

Our family loves soccer. While I was watching a game on television the other day, the linesman held up a sign indicating how much stoppage time would be added to the game.

Simple lesson from a shower drain

For several years the drain in my shower couldn’t keep up with the inflow, and a deep pool of water would form on the shower floor. Again and again, I tried to use de-clogging agents.

In a recent article in the Journal (“Purify Your Thinking,” October 2011, p. 8 ), the writer explained how she took the commandment “Thou shalt not commit adultery” ( Exodus 20:14 ) and put the idea into simplified wording, applicable to her younger Sunday School students.

A prayer topic: healing partisanship

Our local branch church has a prayer topic that we address together every month. A recent topic was “Healing Partisanship.

Real honesty

“Honesty is spiritual power” ( Science and Health , p. 453 ).

A new day

I had an unhappy message on my answering machine. After listening to it, I elected to delete it—not to replay it, not to save it, not to mull over it, not to analyze it.

Dissolved by love

It’d been almost six months since our last phone call. Because we’re sisters, this was quite a departure from our normal, monthly hour-long calls.

Gratitude and healing

A little more than two years ago I found myself without a job and mourning the loss of a loved one. During this time I decided to devote myself to reading all of Mary Baker Eddy’s writings to get a clearer idea of God, and man as God’s expression, though the depression was so difficult to cope with that sometimes I just hated even being alive.