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To see as God sees

The Lord's Prayer provides a basis for Christian healing.

From the February 2001 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many people are asking today, How does Christian healing take place? Is it just imagination, or an emotional faith producing some kind of change in the processes of the brain? Or is there truly a divine power behind it?

The line from the Lord's Prayer "Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" Matt. 6:10. gives us a glimpse of how original Christian healing, as practiced by Christ Jesus, actually takes place. The Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, gives this inspired interpretation of that line: "Enable us to know,—as in heaven, so on earth,—God is omnipotent, supreme." Science and Health, p. 17. Healing takes place as we pray to see, feel, hear, know—right where we are now—what is actually going on in heaven, in the realm of God. What's going on is that God is being all-power and all-presence, everywhere, every moment. God, who is infinite good, is being supreme, in spite of all the appearances to the contrary.

This prayer "Enable us to know . . ." expresses our desire to know the truth about everyone and everything. It helps us to look beyond what the five physical senses see, hear, feel, taste, and smell, to perceive something of what God Himself is knowing, seeing, feeling, hearing, being.

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