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I began with God

From the May 2012 issue of The Christian Science Journal

© Lifetouch Prestige Portraits

Throughout my first three years of college, I planned to write a thesis during my senior year. (Although doing so was not a graduation requirement, seniors who wanted to could apply to write a thesis.) There were many potential topics that fascinated me, and since I majored in both political science and French, I had double the options as I could write my thesis in either department. 

By junior year the time had come to think seriously about what I wanted to research and write on. Yet I found myself uncertain. I had been strongly considering one particular topic, but the political science professor with interest and expertise in that area, whom I would have asked to advise me, was unexpectedly going to be on sabbatical my senior year. Many other possibilities seemed interesting, but none grabbed me in a way that said, “This is it!”—and I wanted to be just that excited about the project. When junior year ended, I still didn’t know what my topic would be.

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