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Moving away from it’s-all-up-to-me prayer

From the June 2017 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Have you ever felt as though something were entirely in your hands, and if you didn’t do it just right, things would fall apart? You’re not alone! Of course it’s right to handle responsibilities wisely and reliably. But I’ve found that when I look to God, rather than myself, as the ultimate source of goodness and ability, it opens thought to divine inspiration that brings solutions and progress. 

This doesn’t just apply to finishing up a presentation at school or work, or spearheading a community or family project. It actually applies to how we pray, too. When we’re willing to look beyond ourselves to God as the source of our ability to pray, then we’re able to glimpse more clearly that God is All and governs His entire creation harmoniously. We are all God’s spiritual ideas, in which divine Love expresses itself.

We each have the inherent capability to know and feel God’s love, to know what we need to know at any given moment, to discern what’s needed to bring health and harmony into view. It’s so freeing to know that the relation of our Father-Mother to all of us, God’s beloved children, is direct, unbreakable, and eternally established—we are not personally responsible for maintaining it!

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