Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
Let all things be done decently and in order. —Paul.
In these days of Bible criticism—higher and lower—it is well that there should be at least one to speak whose estimate of the Book of books is based upon actual demonstration of the truths found therein. Christian Scientists do not need to be told what their Leader thinks of the Bible—they find that opinion emphatically expressed in all her works; but the following tribute to the Bible, brought out by Mr.
[ It is a pleasure to give prominence in our columns to the following letter, which emphasizes so clearly and in few words Mrs. Eddy's leadership of the Christian Science movement, and the reasons therefor; the right relationship of Christian Scientists to her, to Science and Health, to the Church Manual, and to The Mother Church of Christ, Scientist, which she has founded "on the rock, Christ.
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We are pleased to announce the publication of an edition of "Rudimental Divine Science" by Mary Baker G. Eddy, in the New York point system of type for the blind.
It was doubtless a surprise to some orthodox Christians when Mrs. Eddy associated the word "Science" with Christianity, and gave the name of Christian Science to her "discovery of the adaptation of Truth to the treatment of disease as well as of sin" (Science and Health, Pref.
I will direct their work in truth. — Isaiah , 61: 8.
And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying. This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.
[ We have permission to publish the following correspondence between our Leader and Mrs. Conger, wife of the former American Minister to China.
THE following passage, from Professor Drummond's book, "The New Evangelism," is interesting when viewed from the standpoint of Christian Science: "No thought is more frequent, or more solemn, in the Biblical accounts of the last things, than that at the appearing of Christ a mighty change will sweep over the moral world—a sudden revolution in men's opinions—a swift reversal of all human judgments. And this is not an unlooked for crisis.