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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.


" Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. " Early in the Christian era Paul uttered these words, and his demonstration of the divine power to save from disease as well as sin, proved how true they were, but human theories relating to salvation have gradually darkened the apprehension of their real import, and postponed the realization of their fulfilment.


It is probable that every young student of Christian Science, after struggling between the conceded fact that God to be infinite must be all, and the seeming fact, cognizable by the physical senses, that matter is real, possessing place and power, gets wearied and perplexed, and asks himself desperately, "Well, what is here?" He surveys his room, sees chairs, tables, pictures, walls; and so overwhelming seems the sense testimony, so substantial, so solid, so constant seem these witnesses for the cause of matter, so unvarying in their perpetual plea, that he begins to doubt the existence of an omnipresent being, and to give credence to that which denies the all-presence of Spirit. I know of a man who is a good example of the muddle into which one is likely to get by trying to serve God and mammon, or Spirit and matter, believing in the reality of both.


The mystery of the origin of evil has been a prolific subject of philosophical contention throughout the ages. The numerous theories regarding the origin of evil which have found place in prominent systems of human thought, separate themselves naturally into two distinct groups.


Faith has been defined as an affectionate, practical confidence in the Word of God. Christian Science can accept this definition, provided the confidence referred to is sufficiently enlightened to rely directly upon God as the sole healing power; but if it turns away from Spirit in the hour of need by resorting to material remedies and methods under the misleading assumption that "God blesses the means," Christian Science will classify this faith as blind belief, devoid of practicality.

In order to approach the subject of Christian Science and legislation intelligently, it is necessary to remember that the American people is a religious people and that the prevailing religion in the United States is Christian. It is also necessary to know that these historical facts are judicially known and acted on by the Courts, and they are presumed to be and should be recognized and given effect by the legislatures, and thus enter into and give character to our laws.


Probably no three English words embrace greater wisdom than these, "Prove all things. " The first demands the clear thinking of the logician, with the rigid impartiality of the judge; the rejection of all that is false: the retention of all that is true.


To those who are satisfied with the use of drugs, or who fear to abandon what has always been their only means of relief, Christian Science may seem a visionary and intangible method of healing. Knowing that all material remedies are discarded, the false conclusion is easily reached, by such as these, that one who relies upon Christian Science treatment gives up something and receives nothing in its place; that he is running great risks; that he is being grossly neglected, and not infrequently the opinion is offered that one who refuses medical aid and depends wholly on God to heal him, ought to die.


Sometimes the statement is made: I belong to a Christian church, and have prayed repeatedly and earnestly to God to be relieved of physical distresses, and my prayers have remained unanswered how can you Christian Scientists rely on the efficacy of prayer to overcome physical sicknesses? At other times the question is put thus: Why are not the prayers of the members of other Christian denominations as effectual for the healing of the sick as are the prayers of Christian Scientists? If God does not answer our prayers in such cases, when we pray to Him fervently and sincerely as Christians, what right have you to expect us to have any faith in your prayers as Christian Scientists? We may ask if those who put such questions pray to the true and only God, or do they pray to a supposititious deity who has no existence? If they pray to a non-existing God, whom they "ignorantly worship" because of false teachings, their questions need no further answer than the pointing out of this fact. If they pray to a man-like God, and no such God exist; if they pray to a God who is man-like in His notions of justice, truth, love, punishment, and so forth, and God be infinite Love, Spirit, Truth, Life, then is it not clear that they pray amiss? For argument's sake, let us put the case strongly.

When you suffer from hunger you take bread or other...

When you suffer from hunger you take bread or other food, and your body in belief is built up according as you assimilate the food. Now do you say or think that the bread caused your suffering? When you suffer from thirst you go to the fountain to drink.


Evil will not cast out evil. A lie will not correct a lie.