Testimonies of Healing
Since taking up the study of Christian Science about three years ago, I have had many very beautiful experiences, and these were to me proofs that unswerving obedience to the divine instructions of our great Wayshower, Christ Jesus, does bring forth the fruits of obedience. I wish to give the following unusual experience, in the hope that it may be of help to others.
In March, 1910, I called a Christian Science practitioner to my home to give me treatment for varicose veins. These enlarged veins began to show first about forty-five years ago, and seemed gradually to become worse as I grew older.
WHEN I first heard of Christian Science, I was undergoing an operation in a hospital here. I paid very little attention to what was being said on the subject, as I had no idea what Christian Science was, and classed it with the many different creeds that spring up from time to time.
I write this testimony with the hope that it may bring to some one the same peace and comfort I have experienced through this saving truth. About five years ago I was taken from my home to the hospital and placed on the operating table.
I am very grateful for the contentment and peace that have come into my life through Christian Science, and for other blessings I have received. For years I suffered from heart trouble, but this has been overcome; also fear of high altitude has been conquered, and a quick temper subdued.
I wish to testify to the benefits I have received from the healing power of Truth. In 1903 I was healed of what was pronounced by physicians the last stage of lung trouble.
It is with gratitude and thanksgiving to God that I give this testimony of my healing in Christian Science. In January, 1910, I was sick in bed with a complication of diseases, brought on by family trouble, among other things.
It is with gratitude that I send this testimony to what Christian Science has done for me. Three years ago a very painful felon appeared on one of my fingers and seemed to grow steadily worse.
I wish to acknowledge and express my gratitude for all the good that has come to me through Christian Science. It has brought me peace and joy and contentment such as I could not have had in any other way.
When I first heard of Christian Science, it was in a very vague way. I supposed that it healed the sick through prayer: and though I heard it much criticized and misrepresented, still I believed only what was good about it, because I had always thought the sick should be healed by trusting God.