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From the February 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Ursula N. Gestefeld's Statement of Christian Science, comprised in Eighteen Lessons and Twelve Sections.—The only excuse for reviewing this "Statement" in the Journal is the need of warning uninformed persons who may be misled by the words "Christian Science," on the title page, and the fact that it is announced in business circulars over the signature of the compiler, and sent to Scientists as the "interpreter" and "key" to Science and Health!

The statement that the book referred to is a "key" to, or "interpretation" of, Science and Health is found only in the circulars. It is an advertising device, used to facilitate the sale, where without such introduction it would not be received. On the title page the disguise is thrown off. And what an unconscious self-portrayal is this title page! Christian Science in the background,—second to Ursula N. Gestefeld's name—the eye of God chained, and her hand holding the chain! Was ever the lie of Personality more impiously put forward? Many of the words of this "Statement" are the words of Science and Health; entire consecutive pages are made up of extracts from it, but garbled, travestied, and mumbled, in the vain attempt to hide their parentage.

The infrequent sentences that are honestly quoted from it appear solitary and out of place in "this medley," where "God is not," of formula of Science mis-quoted, and tacked on to doctrines of evolution, free will, and theosophy, each in its turn ill-digested and obscurely stated.

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