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Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy lectured in New York City at Steinway Hall...

From the March 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy lectured in New York City at Steinway Hall the evening of February 15, to an audience of over a thousand persons who came together on a notice of only twenty-four hours. When she came on the stage the audience greeted her by rising to their feet, and standing till she was seated.

Mrs. Eddy was escorted on the stage and presented to the audience by Rev. J. C. Ager, pastor of the New Jerusalem Church of Brooklyn. Mr. Ager said that, while he could not pretend to be a student of Christian Science, he had been struck by its wide diffusion, and by the fact that it took hold of and brought to the acknowledgment of Christ so many individuals that other forms of religious thought had failed to interest; that the stream that had its origin from Mrs. Eddy had, he believed, divided into many branches, some of which, he had been told, flowed through very muddy channels, but that in all its forms it commanded the serious attention of all thoughtful observers, as the most important modern religious movement.

The lecturer, at the conclusion of Mr. Ager's remarks, discussed the questions:

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