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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

I love Christian Science Reading Rooms!

Christian Science Reading Rooms have all of the resources needed to find healing.

You are greatly beloved

Our true, valued individuality can replace any sense of feeling unloved, unworthy, or even expendable.

The double beatitude

The "double" Beatitude (you're blessed when you're persecuted and reviled) shows the power of a willingness to be a Christian Scientist in public.

The Bible Lesson and healing

Ways to approach study of the Bible Lesson-Sermon, "on which the prosperity of Christian Science largely depends," that bring healing to ourselves and the world.

“The finite must yield to the infinite”

Embracing the wholeness of God and His expression and letting the "undivided garment" of the truths presented by the Pastor teach us brings us a living faith.

Beginning with God

We don't ask God to come to us to solve our problems. He doesn't know problems. Rather, we give up material belief so we can approach Him to see reality.

God’s care in times of grief

When we recognize both our true spiritual nature and that of our loved one who has died, it heals both grief and regret over unfinished business

Soaring aspirations

Birds inspire this author. She realized she needed to let her thought soar beyond and above what the physical senses reported.

The artistry of Soul

If we look out into the vastness and great beauty of the universe, we must admit that Soul is a consummate artist from the infinitesimal to the infinite.

When a church helped “just by being there”

A woman is healed by thinking of the prayer, love, and dedication members were pouring into the functions of the branch church near the hotel where she was staying.