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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

Employment lost, then found

After 25 years of dedicated employment, I, along with roughly three fourths of my associates, was informed that we were being released from our professional positions at the institute at which we worked. Prior to our release, there had been an accelerating amount of political turmoil both within and without our place of work, and I had become increasingly dissatisfied with deteriorating conditions that were stifling my ability to implement more creative and effective techniques to uphold a high standard in my work.

Separate out the wrong—and see what’s right

I’ve often heard sayings such as, “Hate the sin, not the sinner. ” My study of Christian Science has given me a spiritual perspective on this concept, as I’ve learned that sin or any evil, sickness, or wrong isn’t part of a person.

A career guided by prayer

The hours I spent studying at the Reading Room gave me strength to adhere to morality at work and not give up my mission to bless the community.

Waiting on God

During the early 1990s, I worked in the Civilian Personnel Policy Division of the Office of the United States Secretary of Defense. We developed policies and programs, and proposed legislation for the Department of Defense’s nearly 800,000 civilians.

“God’s promises are kept”

In her capacity as a Christian Science nurse, this author has learned many spiritual lessons and shares a few of her own healings.

God supplied us every step of the way

My husband and I were nearing our retirement years, and I knew we needed a change so that we could retire. We both worked heavy-labor, low-paying self-employed jobs that offered no benefits, and we also had no savings.

God was there

A couple of years back, while on a cycling trip, I was dwelling on a statement from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy: “The spiritual universe, including individual man, is a compound idea, reflecting the divine substance of Spirit” ( p. 468 ).

The correct view that heals

The discord most impressing an individual will disappear from his or her thought as he or she perceives anyone as being perfect, as God is. 

Walking through the mirage of pain

When we challenge pain’s validity, seeing it as a mirage, we truly make progress and find relief. 

Dismiss the “vendor of problems”

How many phone calls, emails, or texts have you gotten from someone or some organization trying to sell you something? These telemarketers will keep communicating even after you’ve said you don’t want what they’re selling. I’ve had similar experiences at outdoor markets.