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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Rev. Daniel Steele , D.

Two items of interest have run the rounds of the secular and religious press, and remind thoughtful Scientists of duties to be borne in mind till successfully accomplished. We refer to the completed revision of the Old Testament after fourteen years of conscientious labor by Hebrew and Greek scholars,—and the arrest of Rev.


In exact ratio as nations or individuals emerge from the night of ignorance, selfishness and barbarism, will the fact dawn upon them that all humanity are born "free and equal," irrespective of race, sex, financial conditions, or educational advantages. The logic of this fact holds as good with individuals as with nations; for a bigoted, ignorant, narrow-minded man has all the characteristics of the banditti of the Middle Ages, whose trade was to war upon commerce and honest industry, using their baronial castles for storing plunder.


I have not seen the articles alluded to, but am credibly informed that several papers have contained statements to the effect that Christian Scientists have issued fradulent diplomas. The Massachusetts Metaphysical College is the only chartered college sending out students qualified as above.

The world does move, we can truly exclaim, when patent medicines, formerly so "dear" to the people, have to be "given away" to be got rid of. What we get for nothing we nothing value, whether it be nostrums or real medicine.

Earthly thrones tremble on their bases in these days of rebellion against despotism. It would seem as if the kingdoms of the world were all being weighed in balances to determine what boasted strength is real and what pretended.


It was more than ten years ago that the National Legislature caused to be placed upon the pages of the statute books a law that eight hours should constitute a legal day's labor in the various departments of the government. With but one exception it were as well that the law had never been made, so far as benefiting the laboring men for whom it was intended is concerned, for the simple reason that the law has never been enforced.


Those desiring a course of instruction at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College Boston, will be given $100 discount on tuition if they reside a hundred or more miles from Boston. I am informed that teachers of Metaphysical methods give people to suppose that if they become their pupils first, I will teach them at a discount.


The annoyance of bona fide graduates of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, at being confounded with counterfeit practitioners, claiming to be alumni of their alma mater, but practising a system of healing uncountenanced there, will soon be obviated by the new wise provision of the president of the College, who has instituted it for the protection of the public from imposition, and the defence of faithful students. E.


If there is any one fact demonstrated in the practice of materia medica, it is that bodily conditions are translated thoughts. If a zealous advocate of a certain treatment for cancers but study into their varieties and classification long enough, he may be sure of dying eventually of the kind of cancer his thought is most familiar with.