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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Healing of shoulder pain

The author felt supported by God in a right desire to see how God had made her, and she's healed of a painful shoulder.

No more poison oak rash

A teenager hikes in a canyon and and ends up with poison oak rash. But she healed, by seeing that evil of any kind is destroyed by understanding that it is not real, but rather a false belief—a suggestionthat can be rejected as no part of God’s creation.

Healing of Animal bite

While working in a research and rehabilitation camp for orangutans, the author is mauled on a trail. She addresses fears of infection and feeling alone and is healed.

Painful leg condition healed

On crutches with a leg condition, this author persistently prays to see her moment by moment oneness with God. She is healed and back to walking her dog.

Child’s head injury quickly healed

When his son sustains a head injury before a family camping trip, this father prays to see that his son is always living and moving in a place so protected that it’s impossible he could be subject to accident or physical harm. The child quickly recovers and they are able to proceed with the trip.

Healed after fall from bike

Injuries from a bicycle accident healed by holding to the truth that man is made in God's image and likeness and denying the material claim.

A holy experience—and healing

Difficulty walking and conflict and misunderstanding at work healed when she gained receptivity and recognized that what is possible to God is possible to man.

A better resolution heals blemish

The temptation to have a stye or blemish on the eye was overcome when the author got a strong sense of the reality of Mrs. Eddy's words, "Nothing is matter."

Pain gone and free to run

A runner with abdominal pain is healed when mesmerism breaks as he sees his spiritual relationship to God, feels God's love, and knows God's law governs all.

Recurring back pain healed

An association speaker overcomes sudden back pain on association day by handling the aggressive mental suggestion of resistance and acknowledging God's love.