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From the April 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Now is the season of rejoicings innumerable. The churches are decorated with flowers, and many dollars are paid out therefor. Sermons are preached without end. The choirs practise new anthems, and the old hymns delight multitudes.

Why all this jubilation? Because Lent is over and Easter has come. Fasting given place to feasting. Men and women no longer think they must serve God by preferring eggs and oysters, rock cod and Penobscot salmon, green peas and spinach, to turkey and beef; and so meat once more becomes "daily bread."

What is Easter? It comes from old words signifying spring, the renewal of vegetable life, the time when plants blossom, and we see again the old, old miracle of nature, Aaron's dry staff blossoming with the lilac. Yet this is no miracle, no interruption of the onflowing laws of nature—the same since first "the Morning Stars sang together, and Sons of God shouted for joy."

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