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From the April 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Can anyone, who has come into the understanding of Christian Science, doubt the practical side of spirituality, or, indeed, see anything but its practical part? When we become accustomed to the glorious thought that God is All-in-all, and that we are upheld by the everlasting arms, what a dawn for us! The Light has come. It has shown us that what we have made much of, and called Life, is but a dream; and this light transfigures all our surroundings.

"Ask and ye shall receive;" and if we are willing to receive it, how the true Light streams upon us. More than we can conceive is its glory, for it is the glory of God.

What more perfect thought of Light can there be than in John's description of the New Jerusalem,—that state which we call Heaven: "And there shall be no night there; for they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them Light;" and in Isaiah's beautiful verses: "The sun shall no more be thy light by day, neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee, but the Lord shall be unto thee thy everlasting light, and thy God thy glory."

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