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From the May 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal


A barber in London performed a rather clever feat. The shop was full of customers, and one of them was undergoing the operation of shaving, when it was noticed that the barber had his eyes closed, though he still kept passing the razor over the face of his patron. After some time, when the operation was finished, what was the surprise of those in the shop to hear the barber exclaim, "Oh no, not yet," at the same time opening his eyes. It then became evident that he had been fast asleep, and had shaved the man while in that condition. He explained that he had been up the two previous nights, and that this would account for his sleepiness; but the practice in shaving had so grown upon him, that he was able to perform his duty while asleep.

A salt-lake mother arose in the night at the solicitation of her daughter and rubbed fifty cents' worth of cough medicine on the latter's rheumatic limbs. The cure was immediate, but the pains returned as soon as the mistake was discovered.

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