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From the April 1890 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Freedom! Give me freedom!" is the daily, constant expression of restless mortals pressing on to gain a something which they feel is for them, and which they must have, without restriction of their claim to obtain and use it. From those yet unborn into the fuller "knowledge of the Truth as it is in Jesus," as well as from those taught in Divine or Christian Science, comes too, in varying forms of intensity, the cry: "O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the bonds of this death?" To-day also, thousands are able to say: "Whereas I was sick and in bonds, now I am whole and free. I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. There is perfect freedom from the bonds in which death (to the realization of God as the only life) has placed us."

In reality there is no bond but the bond of Love, and this binds us to Christ alone. So long as there is one in the universe, ignorant of the freedom that belongs to him because of his Sonship to God, Love will draw that one, until he shall know himself as he is, ever was, and ever will be—free. "We are free creatures in Christ Jesus"; though mankind is at present unconscious of the fact. But the desire for help, for freedom from man-made laws, creeds and dogmas, is daily growing. The grandest sign of the times is this unrest, for it heralds the universal sway of Truth. Christ, Truth, will continue to stand at the door and knock, until man bids Him enter. When men become restless under "the bonds of this death," then He opens up a way of deliverance. The feeblest cry is heard and heeded by the listening ear of Love. We therefore, have come on only just a little ahead of the myriad throng that presses close upon us. Those taught in schools of theology, occupying pulpit and platform, not conscious of the spirit of Christ which pervades the atmosphere; even these are conscious that the world is drinking in the gospel —and thirsting for deeper and purer draughts.

"Being then made free from sin, ye are become the servants of righteousness." What a change! "If we will, we may become no longer servants of Sin (Satan) but servants of "the Most High "; because God, who knoweth all things, hath read our heart (thought) which said: "From Sin I would get free."

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