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From the June 1897 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Boston Traveller

The true elixir will consist of a ruling consciousness of man's spiritual heritage of wholeness, and the recognition of the fact that disease, pain, and inharmony are abnormal, and that their existence is due to a network of sensuous beliefs in which man's animalism and materiality have bound him, and which have inverted his nature. An important element in the elixir will be the mental absorption of the fact that "God is love," and that "in Him we live and move and have our being." Man's spiritual nature, which is his centre—responds when God is delineated to him as the all-pervading immanent life. When the spiritual centre is moved, the physical circumference moves also.

The holy spirit has been represented as a very sacred influence present only on rare and special occasions, instead of an ever-present spirit of wholeness, only waiting for our recognition. Man has not recognized it as a practical, everyday force and tonic, from a wrong conception that it was impracticable and intangible.

When man practically realizes that his body is an external manifestation, and not himself; that he can, to a great degree, free himself from its bondage; that he can live in high and harmonious thought, rather than in sensation, he will find the true elixir at his command.

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