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From the July 1897 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The following bit of experience is related for the help it may furnish to those who have trouble with the financial problem. It is not claimed that the plan is new, but its application, as here illustrated, is believed to be decidedly practical. In the spring of 1896, a man called at my office asking for treatment, stating that he would not be able to pay for some time. This remark occasioned a conversation, during which it was disclosed that the patient had allowed himself to run in debt. Knowing that he was receiving a regular weekly salary of from twelve to fifteen dollars, and had but one child, it appeared to me strange that living modestly, as I knew this family were doing, they should not be abreast of the times; I therefore took up the question actively for him, and ascertained that he was not contributing anything to the church, at which he and his family are regular attendants. I told him it was no wonder he was poor, and getting into debt. He insisted that he could not afford to contribute, although he would like to. I proposed that he lay aside one-tenth of his income for this purpose, with which suggestion he was greatly shocked, asking me if I thought it would be right for him to give money to the church, when he was in debt to his grocer and butcher. Several Scripture passages were put in evidence, that he would prosper by devoting the first tenth of his income to the Lord. It took several days to secure assent to this proposition,—his wife hesitated,—but they finally adopted the plan, and within three months had paid up all outstanding bills, were able to pay cash for house supplies, had started a savings account, re-established a long suspended practice of systematically contributing to the church, and had over nine dollars in their "tenth" box.

The last of October he came to me with his "book," and after balancing it for him, it was observed that they had over twenty dollars in the Lord's treasury, "which," said he, "corresponds with the cash in the box." He wished me to tell him how to dispose of this surplus, which, of course, I refrained from doing, showing him that, in due season, they would find a demand for it, and would be happy in their ability to respond when the call came. He relates that they have twice before undertaken to save a tenth, but failed in both cases after a little time; in one instance, having yielded to the temptation to borrow from the box, and in the other instance, not being faithful in putting into it strictly a full tenth.

The salient features of the present effort in the case of this family are, probably, these: 1st. They agreed with themselves that they would take one-tenth out of the week's wages each Saturday night, before paying a single item, the same to be deposited at once in the box. 2nd. That they would regularly enter in a little book, secured for the purpose and kept in the box, each amount placed therein as a debit, and that they would also credit the "tenth" account with each contribution taken therefrom, however small, and 3rd. That nothing should tempt either of them ever to take so much as a penny from this box for any other than the sacred use to which it had been devoted. He is now most grateful for this, to him, timely suggestion and assistance, brought about incidentally as a part of his healing through Christian Science, and his wife exhibits marked expressions of gratitude that they, both naturally benevolent, are prepared to contribute to such funds as appeal to them, and to invest in such publications, etc., as promise food for spiritual growth. As a matter of fact, I recall while I am writing this, that last year this same lady complained to me of the number of calls made for contributions of money, while this year there has been happy acquiescence and cordial response, because they were prepared, that is to say ready, having "laid aside something on the first day of the week, according as the Lord had prospered them."

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