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Testimonies of Healing

About two and a half years ago, finding myself on the...

From the February 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About two and a half years ago, finding myself on the brink of what seemed imminent catastrophe, I applied to a Christian Scientist for aid,—one whose beautiful life, although I little understood it, and unswerving courage had compelled my respect.

She insisted upon my buying and reading the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," which I did during my treatment. The need was met and I went my way. Instead of adhering faithfully to Christian Science, I discontinued reading and took up my old course.

In a few months I seemed fairly engulfed in error. Ashamed to apply to the Scientist, I took Mental Science treatment, continually growing worse, until the practitioner recommended my return to materia medica, which I did for a season; but all faith in it having been destroyed no effect was apparent.

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