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From the September 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science is an onward and upward religious movement—the greatest of the ages. Even those who would oppose it admit its growth and potentiality. It is moving forward with unprecedented rapidity. The life of its Discoverer and Founder is an open book. The Rev. Mary Baker Eddy's career and labors are known and read of men everywhere. Her character is matter of current history. Careful historians, discriminating writers who searched carefully and sought information from all available sources, have written of her life and character and published what they have written in standard histories, dictionaries, cyclopedias, and numerous periodicals. Her life and character speak for themselves. Her public career tells its own story. Her great reformatory work is awakening the world to higher and better conceptions of life and of religion. Her pure and lofty literature is everywhere arresting the attention of thinking and well-disposed people. Thousands are being healed by it. Thousands more are being redeemed from sin and sickness as the result of her nearly thirty-five years of labor and ministry. Mary Baker Eddy is a Religionist, a Reformer, a Philanthropist, the Herald of the healing Truth that is reaching around the globe and touching to life, and health, and peace, myriads of her fellow-beings; and scores of these are daily rising up and calling her blessed. Let those who doubt this read the testimonies that flow in from all quarters of the globe, many of which are published, and many more remain unpublished for want of space.

The mighty religious Reformation which God, through Mary Baker Eddy, has inaugurated, is an established fact. It is moving forward with increasing acceleration, and no power on earth is sufficient to stay its mighty sweep, for it is of God, who is almighty and whose Kingdom has come for time and for eternity. No wiles of error can prevent the sick from being healed, the sinner from being reclaimed, the needy from being aided, or mankind from being reformed on the basis established by the Founder of Christianity.

Eternal Truth has decreed that the lame shall walk, the blind shall see, the deaf shal hear, the sick shall be healed, and the sinner redeemed, and the hosts of darkness are impotent to say it nay.

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