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Testimonies of Healing

I feel that I should express my gratitude to God for...

From the June 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel that I should express my gratitude to God for having led me to the knowledge of Christian Science, and for the many benefits I have received from it. Just one year ago I was told about Christian Science, of which I knew nothing beyond having read accounts in the newspapers of its wonderful cures. I had been suffering for six years from internal neuralgia, which, though slight at its commencement, had increased so that very frequently I was unable to sit up at all for the intense pain, and had become utterly useless, good for nothing except to lie on a couch, and had no energy or strength for anything. I had had seven doctors, who all did their best for me, but without avail, and the last one, in whom I had great faith, told me eventually that I had exhausted all his medicines and methods of treatment, and that he could do nothing more, although I was then worse than ever, so I naturally gave up all hope of ever being well again. Then I heard of Christian Science, bought Science and Health, which I could scarcely put down after reading the first few pages, and took treatment. I am more than grateful to say that for some months past have been entirely healed of neuralgia and many other things, and am quite well and strong, able to walk and cycle good distances, and do things like ordinary people, whereas before I was utterly incapable of either. My eyesight has also improved to such an extent that I never use the glasses that I had worn for eleven years, except to see long distances or in a bad light, although formerly I could not see to read or write one word without them. I can never express in words, one half the gratitude I feel to Mrs. Eddy for the great blessings, both physical and spiritual, which she has brought into our lives, and my greatest effort will always be to live a life worthy of the name "a Christian Scientist."

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