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In devoting but a small portion of this issue of the Journal...

From the August 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In devoting but a small portion of this issue of the Journal to a report of the Communion and Annual Meeting, we have had in mind the great pressure upon our space and the further fact that very full and complete reports and somewhat extended editorial comment have been published in recent issues of the Sentinel. We wish, however, to say a few words along a line that has been but lightly touched upon.

It is worthy of special note that this year's gathering expressed as never before a distinct recognition upon the part of the Field in general of the unique position of the Mother Church in its relation to the branch Churches, and of the reason of its large membership. There was a manifest appreciation of the necessity for such a governing organization as the Mother Church presents. All this was due, we believe, to the very general understanding and the hearty appreciation of our Leader's article, "Now and Then," which appeared in the Journal, Sentinel, and Herold.

This better understanding of the position and function of the Mother Church will prove a large factor in our denominational growth, because it means that membership in the Mother Church is recognized as a sure basis for unity of purpose and harmony of action in all matters pertaining to the Christian Science movement. Membership in the Mother Church not only establishes a ground of Christian fellowship and united endeavor, but it presents a basis on which the necessary uniformity of denominational government may be formulated and maintained without invasion of the rights of branch churches or of individuals. Because of this membership there must come to each one a larger sense of individual responsibility for the progress of our Cause through consecrated endeavor and through constant striving to achieve and maintain the high standard of Christian living enjoined in the Church Manual.

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