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Throughout the entire history of the Christian Science...

From the September 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Throughout the entire history of the Christian Science movement, nothing has been more striking to the careful observer than the readiness with which its followers have responded to every call to go forward, however unexpectedly it came. This is so well known that it is hardly necessary to recount the occasions upon which we have had to lay aside the methods we had employed in advancing our Cause, in order to adopt some other means for reaching the same end.

It should be remembered that all such changes have been designed to secure greater freedom of thought and action, and to provide for the participation of as many as possible in the work of bringing the knowledge of Christian Science to all mankind.

It is evident that our services, simple though they be, have behind them a power which touches very deeply the hearts of those who, though they may not be professed Christian Scientists, yet "love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity," especially when they are led to draw aside the curtain of prejudice, and worship with us the loving Father of whose presence we have proof in the healing of both sickness and sin.

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