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Testimonies of Healing

The earnest desire that my experience in Christian Science...

From the November 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE earnest desire that my experience in Christian Science may be helpful to some one else in the journey from sense to Soul, prompts me to try to tell how much I have to be thankful for. While still in high school, an agnostic shook the foundations of my religious faith so completely that for many years doubts and questionings were always with me. Although I continued my church relations, I was constantly seeking in vain for something deep and spiritual, but most of the sermons I heard were a disappointment. At college the course in psychology plunged me into more unanswered questions. The professor discussed at length the control of mind over matter, or matter over mind, saying there seemed to be evidence on both sides, and finally dismissed the subject with the remark that matter and mind are so essentially different in their nature, that it is as impossible to conceive of one of the two influencing the other as to boil water with the theory of evolution. Throughout my college course, other questions as to man's origin and destiny were raised only to be left unanswered.

In the spring of 1907 a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy was loaned to my mother, and while the book was in the house I picked it up, expecting to be able to continue criticizing what I had supposed Christian Science to be. The first reading was a wonderful uplift! I had not supposed anything like it had ever been written. The book held me; I continued my reading in almost breathless expectancy, at first fearful lest it should not stand the test of really being that for which I had been searching. It often contradicted my previous religious doctrinal instruction, but never once did it contradict or misinterpret the Bible! My questions were all answered, every doubt vanished. I read that "harmony in man is as real and immortal as in music. Discord is unreal and mortal" (Science and Health, p. 27), and the spiritual interpretation of the 23rd Psalm as given on page 578 appealed to me most of all. The reading of this book healed a catarrhal condition, also my eyes. The passage between my nose and throat was as" clear as though it had been operated upon. For almost a year my glasses had never been off except during sleep, and an oculist had told me that I would always have to wear them for far-sightedness; now they were simply laid aside without effort. There was no longer even the shadow of a doubt. I knew that Jesus was the Christ, and that he did perform every healing work that the Bible tells us he did. I knew this because I experienced in my own life the power of God to heal. Unspeakable love and gratitude fill my heart for her who has broken this dream of life in matter and revealed man's true nature.

During the past three years Christian Science has enabled me to solve every problem in daily life,—colds, the supposed effect of poison oak, and a boil in my ear have all been overcome by this healing truth. A very severe attack of croup was overcome for my baby boy by three treatments. I had one treatment in Christian Science before baby was born, and the birth was so natural and easy that to me it was a wonderful demonstration of God's ever-presence. I was too young in Science to remain on the mountain-top, because of pride, selfishness, and self-seeking, and I must slowly but surely work my way through the valley up to the glorious heights of Christian Science. I here refer to a most serious trouble with the breast, which, even with a practitioner's help most of the time, yielded only after two months' work.

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