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From the May 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IT is well worth the while of every Christian Scientist occasionally to ask himself, How am I regarding disease? To what extent do my preconceived opinions about it occupy my thought and influence the harmony of my life today? To what extent do they hamper my 'successful handling of it when I encounter it?

Mrs. Eddy, by her fidelity to revelation and by demonstration, has made it possible for all of us to recognize the one true fact about disease, viz., that it has no truth in it; and she has given us in the text-book of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," a practical statement of the Science of true being, and a positive rule of Mind-healing which will enable each one of us. if we follow her example of fidelity and demonstration, to acquire a sense of health which is scientific, and so enter on the fruition of true health ourselves and convey the like to others. Are we making the best use of which we are capable, of this statement and rule which our Leader has put within our comprehension?

Not a tithe of the freedom, or dominion, or joy, or confidence which Christian Science holds for us comes to our experience until we have set about living our lives as masters of our bodies, instead of their slaves as heretofore, and meet our sicknesses and troubles when they come upon us as if we knew we were masters. We have 'become so accustomed to more or less helpless submission to what has been so long taught and believed about disease, that it has become almost second nature to us to look on it as one of the hard but unpreventable facts of existence; and as we have thought in our hearts, so it has been, and we have had perforce to be content with a sense of health which presupposed liability to disease at some time or other, because it was the only sense of health we knew.

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