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Testimonies of Healing

At times I find myself lamenting the fact that my...

From the August 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At times I find myself lamenting the fact that my growth in the understanding of Christian Science does not appear to be as rapid as desired, but when this sense of discouragement arises I have only to review my experience in Christian Science by a comparison with the old order of things before I had tested its efficacy, to convince me that the question, "What has Christian Science really done for you?" is too broad to be fully and briefly answered.

I sought healing through it over three years ago, and only because I had exhausted all material remedies, having spent several thousand dollars in experimenting for a period of years with first one system and then another, for relief from a complication of ailments. A chronic case of stomach and bowel trouble of long standing had affected in some degree the action of every organ in my body. Some eighteen or twenty medical practitioners, experts and specialists of note located in different parts of the country, had exhausted their most sincere efforts to help me without avail. I was operated upon, changes of climate and occupation were recommended; electricity, osteopathy, dieting, and the knife were resorted to, and all schools of medicine were given an opportunity to demonstrate the superiority of their method. Throat specialists had assured me that while the throat affection was not of a nature to terminate fatally, I could expect nothing but that I would always have trouble and suffer from the condition for which they were then treating me.

In spite of the greatest caution in the selection and preparation of food, where the latter was possible, toward the last I could eat only the simplest, and then with a remedy taken before and after meals. I also resorted to systematic exercise both in and out of doors, it having been claimed that my sedentary habits were responsible for my ill health, and I was seriously considering a change in occupation. I could not, however, believe that this could be the case, as the troubles had begun while I was a mere youth and spending much of my time out of doors. After the first treatment by a Christian Science practitioner the stomach trouble left me, and there has been no recurrence since. I can now eat anything that any other human being would eat, and much that many of them cannot. The bowel trouble yielded after several treatments, and all other organs have been restored to a normal condition. Since taking my first treatment in Christian Science I have not found it necessary or desirable to resort to drugs or other material remedies for healing, while previous to that time I had not for years allowed a day to pass without resorting to the use of some drug or material agency, and never thought of traveling without a liberal supply of medicine.

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