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Testimonies of Healing

Over eight years ago I was led into Christian Science...

From the September 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Over eight years ago I was led into Christian Science through the healing of my little daughter, then about three and a half years old, from so-called tubercular disease. After two severe operations had been performed, I was told that there was very little hope of her ever getting well again. As we could not believe that our little girl had this dreaded disease, we expressed our doubts to the surgeon who had performed the operations, but he shook his head in a decisive manner and said a specimen of the growth had been examined in their laboratory, and that the pathological department of their hospital had pronounced the disease tuberculosis. We then felt that there was little hope, as our physician stood high in his profession and was connected with the best hospital in this city.

In those darkest hours in our home, my wife and I, being almost frantic with grief and sorrow, decided to try Christian Science. I did not know much about it, but as it had been recommended to us by a very dear relative we decided to give it a trial. I had always regarded Christian Science as a beautiful religious theory, but never as a demonstrable truth. I considered Mrs. Eddy's wonderful book, Science and Health, a work of rare literary beauty, but the great spiritual teachings therein expounded I did not then understand. At about this time our physician advised us to have another operation performed, but we decided instead to try Christian Science at once. We engaged a practitioner, and in less than a month the little one was entirely healed. This of course was a wonderful demonstration of the power and truth of Christian Science, and my wife and I both tool: up its study. What the best medical and surgical aid available had failed to do in two years was accomplished by Christian Science in less than a month. We shall never forget the loving kindness with which the practitioner always met our fears and doubts, how her calm, convincing manner of explaining this teaching opened a new world to us and showed us that the one "great Physician," divine Principle, is able to heal all our diseases without medicine or surgical operations.

I have found in the study and application of Christian Science to my daily duties a great help; and many seemingly hard problems are easily solved by the demonstration of this wonderful truth. It is with a deepfelt sense of gratitude to God for Christian Science, and to its Discoverer and Founder, Mrs. Eddy, that I write this testimony, with the sincere hope that some poor sufferer may be benefited by it.—

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