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Testimonies of Healing

For over seven years Christian Science...

From the January 1914 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For over seven years Christian Science has ministered to every need in our home. During this time I have learned to study the Bible faithfully, together with "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," "Miscellaneous Writings," and other works by Mrs. Eddy. The Scriptures have thus been illuminated and the "bread of life" has fed us and brought us health and happiness.

Among the many things that Christian Science has taught me is how to think about the children in our home. It was early pointed out to me that children should be taught that God is the only Life, that therefore our life is good, and is not subject to change or discord of mind or body. When one of the children was quite young in Science, she met with an injury to the thumb, bruising it to such an extent that an abscess formed. A practitioner was requested to treat the case, and although the child was frightened by neighbors who predicted dangerous results, the condition was speedily healed; then her hands were cleansed of numerous warts which had made them unsightly. While this work was being done, the little maid learned many lessons in Christian Science. More than a physical healing was experienced, and she has done the greater part of the needful work for herself ever since.

For the regeneration of my own thought through kindly counsel, and the realization that to gain greater understanding the daily practise of what I already know of the truth is required, I am very thankful. This saying of Paul has helped me many times: "Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not;" also this passage in Science and Health (p. 323): "In order to apprehend more, we must put into practise what we already know. ... If 'faithful over a few things,' we shall be made rulers over many; but the one unused talent decays and is lost." Christian Science demands the very best in human consciousness, and it is leading thought onward and upward.—

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