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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the German]

It is with a sense of deep gratitude...

From the February 1914 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a sense of deep gratitude that I wish to tell of the rich blessings which have been mine through Christian Science. For seven years I suffered greatly with a severe abdominal complaint, to which, as often seems to occur in such cases, a nervous trouble was added. Besides these, my eyes became affected, and other disturbances manifested themselves. I repeatedly stayed in clinics for women, and in February, 1911, also submitted to a severe operation. This, however, only relieved my condition and was not conducive either to health or peace. Later on I was again severely stricken with similar ills, also hemorrhages and bladder trouble, and remained in this distressing condition for ten weeks, during which I many times uttered a desperate cry to God for help. Then, when I thought that I might recover after all, I was informed that an operation must be performed on the left side, and also that the appendix should be removed. Only those who have been in a similar condition will know how I felt.

But things took a different turn. Comfort came through acquaintances who were Christian Scientists and who had heard of my illness. I was furnished with books and copies of Der Herold der Christian Science Although hardly able to sit up, I read a few things, when a rare sense of peace came over me. The God who created "the ends of the earth" will save me, was my thought. After eight or nine weeks had elapsed, I applied for Christian Science treatment. A practitioner immediately gave my case due attention, and how glad was my surprise when after the first treatment I experienced a sense of well being and happiness which grew with every day! How often did I exclaim, impelled by joy and happiness, "O Lord, how great are thy works!" Still more astonished than myself were my relatives and acquaintances, for a change was evidently taking place with me. I clearly recognized that God is everywhere, ever accessible to those who seek Him, and that He is always ready to help us if we turn to Him in an honest and childlike attitude of thought. Poisoning, which had manifested itself in the thigh, and with which, the physician said, I would be troubled for several months, was overcome within a fortnight, thanks to God's loving care.

It would take too long to tell of all the minor troubles of which I have been freed. My sole desire is to assimilate more of the truth as presented in Christian Science and to walk in the way which has been pointed out by Mrs. Eddy, in order to attain to worthiness and righteousness. My dear husband and I give sincere thanks to those who have called our attention to Christian Science and shown us so much faithfulness and loving-kindness.—

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