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Testimonies of Healing

Many years before taking up the...

From the January 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many years before taking up the study of Christian Science I was healed by it of a very severe spinal disease. Fearing a doctor would say I needed to be operated upon, my parents called for Christian Science help. In less than a week I was restored to perfect health. At that time I did not question how this healing was done, but was certain it was of God.

The following spring my father, being in ill health and receiving little relief through medical treatments, decided to see a Christian Science practitioner. While under her care he bought a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I commenced reading this book immediately. At that time I took many short train trips, and I always took this book with me, feeling safe with it as a companion. Many times my little boy and I have been healed just through the reading of it.

At one time I went to a Christian Science practitioner for treatments, and she showed me how to study the Lesson-Sermons. I shall never forget that week's lesson. The subject was "Adam and Fallen Man." I had not thought it possible the Bible could be explained with such clearness. It is not strange that I was healed in four treatments.

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