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Testimonies of Healing

Six years ago, coming from Chile...

From the April 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Six years ago, coming from Chile, South America, I stopped in New York, knowing nothing about Christian Science. A short time after my arrival a young lady came to the house where I was boarding, and from the first moment she attracted my attention by her healthy, happy appearance. It was through hearing her tell of her marvelous healing that I first heard of this beautiful truth. I became interested at once; and although I could not understand much English at that time, with the help of a dictionary and a little knowledge of the language I read a copy of the Journal. Afterwards I attended a Wednesday evening testimony meeting. My interest increased every day; and with it I experienced an uplifting sense of life that I had not known before. Since that time many minor ailments have disappeared.

A year ago my left foot became very painful and inflamed. A Christian Science practitioner was asked for help; and although it seemed to be a serious case, the whole leg up to the knee being inflamed and red and the foot somewhat blue, no doctor was consulted and no fear allowed. It was some time before all trace of the disease vanished, but the foot became as whole as before.

I must thank God for having led me to His truth, which has enabled me to know the Science of being, that Science which Jesus taught over ninteen hundred years ago, and which was so very little understood until there came to the world that greatly spiritualized woman, Mrs. Eddy, whose vision was so clear and whose love for humanity so deep, that nothing could prevent her proclaiming anew the truth. I also am most grateful that my son is being guided and sustained by this light, which shines always, but which is seen and understood only by those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.—

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