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Testimonies of Healing

About fourteen years ago I was...

From the May 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About fourteen years ago I was taken ill with what a number of doctors, including some of the best-known specialists in New York, called tuberculosis of one kidney and acute Bright's disease of the other kidney. At the time of this diagnosis, I was in one of our prominent hospitals to be operated upon; but the surgeon in charge found he could not perform the operation, as it would mean instant death. So I was sent home, and my good wife was gently informed that I could not possibly live over four months at the most. At that time I knew nothing about Christian Science or its power to heal. But by my human will I continued to live on, always, however, in great fear of the disease. Then Christian Science was presented to me, and I took up the study earnestly. I had been studying it but a short while, when I was entirely healed of fear, and my complete healing then came. About this time I lost my business, and my financial condition was at its lowest ebb; but with the help of a loving Christian Science practitioner, this condition was also overcome. After coming to Christian Science I was like the blind man whom Jesus healed, who answered the Pharisees when questioned: "One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see."

I have been healed of pleurisy and pneumonia; also of the tobacco habit. I had been an inveterate smoker for more than thirty years. I have also been healed of temper, impatience, and profanity.

For all these blessings I am indeed very grateful to Christian Science; but I am more grateful for the spiritual uplift and correct understanding I have received of God and of man's relation to Him. I am deeply grateful for local church membership; also for membership in The Mother Church; and for class instruction. I am very grateful for the privilege of participating in the church activities. I am grateful to God; to Christ Jesus, the Way-shower; and to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of this blessed healing truth, who so lovingly gave it to the world to heal all mankind. I am also grateful to the kind and loving practitioners who so patiently helped me out of evil conditions to health, peace, joy, and harmony.

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