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Testimonies of Healing

[Original testimony in German]

My heart is filled with gratitude...

From the August 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My heart is filled with gratitude to God and to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for the great and wonderful blessings which it has been my previlege to experience through Christian Science. I should like to call out to all who are fearful and anxious about their health, "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you."

I had been suffering from violent pain in the stomach for several years, and had consulted various doctors in order to get rid of this ailment; but nowhere did I find help. One doctor said it was a nervous trouble; another said I had diseased kidneys and liver; the last one said it was a serious case of gallstones. I was so low that I believed what they said, and was always very much depressed because I could not get the right help. For days at a time I was unable to eat anything. So in the beginning of July, 1916, I had again been in bed five days, suffering severe pain day and night; but I would not have a doctor. My parents were greatly troubled about me, and I did not inform my husband of my condition because he had been at the front since the beginning of the war, and I knew he would worry.

One day we received a visit from a lady whom we knew, and she told me of Christian Science. At the same time my husband wrote that he would start on his furlough in three weeks. I was greatly troubled, for I thought I should like to be well by that time. To be sick had always been a terrible thought to me, and my desire and endeavor were to be whole. I called upon a lady who I knew had been completely healed through Christian Science, and had her explain to me its teaching. Filled with joy I returned home and assiduously read the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. After a few days all pain had disappeared, so that all who knew me were astonished to see me look so well. From that time on I was able to eat anything; and now I have forgotten all my illness.

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