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Testimonies of Healing

I am unable to express fully my...

From the September 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I Am unable to express fully my deep gratitude to our Father-Mother God for leading me into Christian Science. It has been my rod and staff through dangers, through trials,—domestic and business,—in health and sickness, in work and recreation, ever since that happy day fourteen years ago when its light first shone into my consciousness.

By applying the truth as taught by Mrs. Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" I have been brought "into a wealthy place," a place where may be found the knowledge of true substance, of the omnipotence and omnipresence of infinite Mind, of man's dominion over every adverse circumstance,—over everything that is unlike God, good. Fear and worry have been reduced to a minimum. No matter what the seeming, it is at once placed in its right perspective. I rejoice to say that through the knowledge of the allness of God, good, and consequently of the nothingness of everything unlike good, I have been able to obey the Master's command to heal the sick.

I am also most grateful for having been permitted to be associated with the holding of Christian Science services in Colombo, Ceylon, which have proved so very helpful, and which have brought healing and other blessings to the small community of Scientists.

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