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Testimonies of Healing

A wonderful healing of a member...

From the October 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A wonderful healing of a member of my family through Christian Science treatment, and the evident spiritualization of thought manifested in a greater love for study of the Bible and of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, so impressed me, and so invigorated and purified the home atmosphere, that I was persuaded to ask a very loving practitioner for treatment for severe headaches from which I had suffered periodically for several years, and which usually lasted three or four days at a time and recurred frequently. I was completely healed by one absent treatment and the reading of Science and Health. At that time I had been for over seventeen years a regularly ordained minister, and was actively engaged as pastor in one of the larger denominations. I was clearly convinced that this healing truth in my own personal experience could be none other than "Emmanuel, . . . God with us," revealing Himself to mankind by healing now as in Jesus' time. With renewed interest I desired to learn more of this power for good.

A short time after being healed of headaches it became necessary for me further to prove positively that it was the power of God, as revealed in Christian Science, that had healed me, and that this revelation from God to our beloved Leader shows precisely the way Jesus the Christ healed the sick of all manner of diseases.

One night while alone, in bed and unable to call for help, I was taken suddenly ill with heart trouble. At that time I knew very little of how to work mentally in Science, yet I began to reason that "God is no respecter of persons," and that if God is Love and if He lovingly answered the practitioner's prayer, He would answer mine and heal me, just as through her prayer or treatment my headaches had vanished. Thus I prayed, or treated myself, in the best way I knew, by denying all sense of life in matter, and by declaring the first few lines of "the scientific statement of being," and meditating on those seemingly strange, yet beautiful words, "All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all" (Science and Health, p. 468). During this meditation the words became more beautiful and simple and clear, and a sweet, unspeakable peace came over me, followed by quietness and sleep, from which I awoke at dawn perfectly healed. I joyously hastened to inform my family that I had proved for myself that Christian Science does heal and that it is the truth about God and man, for God had healed me of heart trouble.

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