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Testimonies of Healing

Just to encourage someone who,...

From the October 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Just to encourage someone who, like me, may have gone through many experiences of sorrow and trouble, both mental and physical, I will tell how I was led to let my burdens go, and finally found peace and harmony through Christian Science.

As one of seven children, I always manifested extreme timidity: I was backward in school, and slow in other matters. A physician declared that I would probably never grow up to womanhood. Nevertheless, I did. I married and had a son, who, after his father passed on, went through the world war—but did not return to me. All the sad conditions, mental, physical, and financial, which I had to encounter I cannot describe. I would think: Why do I have to suffer this way? Will not God help me? At length one of my sisters, who had embraced Christian Science and was daily proving its efficacy, handed me "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, saying, "I know you will get great good out of it if you will read it carefully." This I tried to do, and erelong was convinced, while reading the chapter on Prayer, that God was healing my false sense of things through an understanding of the truth. False beliefs and false theology were giving way, and a true sense of God and His creation unfolded to my consciousness. The more I read in this precious volume and the Bible, the more I knew that undesirable qualities were being overcome, until I felt the rays of omnipotent Love dissolve the seemingly frozen obstacles of mortal belief.

To specify some of my healings: I found myself free from rheumatism so severe that for more than a year I had been unable to put my feet to the ground without great pain; also a discharge from the blood vessels, which two eminent physicians declared would soon end my life, has disappeared. Eyeglasses, too, are no longer needed, for I am able to read The Christian Science Monitordaily and all the Christian Science literature without them.

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