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Testimonies of Healing

It is about eight years since Christian Science...

From the February 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is about eight years since Christian Science was brought to me quite unexpectedly by a dear cousin, at a time when I was practically a chronic invalid, due to the effects of an internal growth which caused me a great deal of pain and weariness. I had suffered from this for six or seven years, being under a physician for at least two years; yet the condition was gradually becoming worse, and it was at last decided that the only thing left to be tried was an operation. I was filled with fear and misery at the thought of such a thing, and at this time the loss of my dear mother brought still more worry and sorrow.

Then the joyful message of Christian Science came to me, bringing hope for the renewal of health and comfort in sorrow. The reading of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, together with the help which was so lovingly and patiently given, enabled me at once to stop all material treatment and drug-taking. The discordant condition began to disappear, and I soon lost all fear of its return. Many other difficulties from which I was constantly suffering, including quinsy sore throat for which I had already undergone an operation, headaches, and neuralgia, became things of the past. All these erroneous conditions I now know were the result of wrong thinking, hatred, and fear through not understanding the meaning of God as Love.

I am indeed most grateful to Christian Science for all these blessings; and I am also very grateful to those who have helped and are still helping me to understand some of its glorious teachings. Words can never express the gratitude due to our dear Leader, whose life of self-sacrifice and purity has given to us the Christian Science textbook, which helps us to understand the Bible and is bringing to mankind a true knowledge of the Christ, as ever ready to bless and lift mankind out of every condition of sin, sickness, or sorrow.—

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