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From the March 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

TO the so-called human mind the hope of change implies progress; but the human mind rarely admits that the required change must be in its own thinking. So, the necessary-progress is delayed until it learns to look within, rather than without, for improvement.

When we glimpse the perfection of God's creation as the reflection of divine Mind, we see that no change can improve the primal order. In the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mrs. Eddy affirms (p. 2), "God is 'the same yesterday, and today, and forever;'" and this thought of God's eternal, unchanging nature runs like an unbroken thread throughout the sacred pages of the Bible.

In perfect harmony with this fact, Christian Science also clearly shows that because God changes not, neither can His creation, including man, lapse from what it is revealed to be in the first chapter of Genesis, namely, a complete image or reflection of God, perfect Mind. Because of this teaching, Christian Science is restoring to mankind the element of healing, demonstrating man's heritage of freedom from evil and his dominion over all the earth. Unless the primal facts of being are understood to be the only realities, mankind is indeed laboring under the delusion that the laws governing the universe have changed, and that man is governed by so-called matter, instead of by Spirit. Controlled by this belief, humanity loses sight of the perfect harmony bestowed on man by his Maker; and to compensate this loss it builds up for itself many elaborate systems whereby matter is to be brought into subjection, not by Spirit, but by the human so-called mind itself. This state is described in the Scriptures as the blind leading the blind; and we are also told that both shall fall, because such systems, being unsound in logic, are valueless in practice.

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