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Testimonies of Healing

Several years ago I began to...

From the June 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Several years ago I began to study the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. A doctor had told me that I would have nervous prostration if I did not stop worrying. I felt I had sufficient cause for worry and did not know how to stop it. When I began to study this textbook I became so interested in its teaching that all thoughts pertaining to my body were forgotten. The source of my trouble, which was the thing that worried me, also disappeared, and I felt free and happy. By the time I had finished the book I was permanently healed.

This healing was brought about through the earnest study of Science and Health. I did not continue this study merely to regain my health, although this was my motive in the beginning, for after I had read enough to become interested in its teaching I desired more than anything else to become a genuine Christian Scientist. It was my earnest prayer to let my light so shine that others might take courage and be led out of darkness into freedom, health, and happiness. As I strove to make Christian Science practical in my daily life, I became so changed that one day my mother said, "You are not the same girl." A tendency to criticize was much subdued; disposition was improved; a desire for revenge was destroyed; and this regeneration came about through the healing ministry of Christian Science.

I have also received wonderful healings through the loving work of Christian Science practitioners. Our little daughter was healed of a broken bone in the arm in two treatments; the youngest child was born without the suffering and inconveniences usually accompanying childbirth. I have experienced the healing of a goiter and the instantaneous healing of quinsy. These are only a few of the blessings that have come to me. I go about my daily work joyously, with a certainty that I have found the Comforter spoken of by Jesus centuries ago. My gratitude to our Leader is unbounded, because she was able through her purity and unselfishness to rediscover and reinstate primitive Christianity and its healing element. Many times I have been given new courage through reading the testimonies appearing in The Christian Science Journal and the Christian Science Sentinel, and it with the desire that others may be helped as I have been that this testimony is sent.

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