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Testimonies of Healing

The testimonies in the Christian Science...

From the August 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The testimonies in the Christian Science periodicals have always been so inspiring to me that I, too, want to express my gratitude through them for Christian Science, which has been my friend, comforter, and physician for over eleven years.

I did not come to Christian Science for physical healing, but sought it because its religious teachings appealed to me. There were many things I could not understand in the religion in which I had been reared, things which seemed such a mystery; and many questions remained unanswered. In the Christian Science textbook,"Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," on page 114, Mrs. Eddy writes of Christian Science: "It lifts the veil of mystery from Soul and body. It shows the scientific relation of man to God, disentangles the interlaced ambiguities of being, and sets free the imprisoned thought." I continued to read and study the textbook, with the result that the unanswered questions were answered, and I soon found that it was unlocking the vast treasures of the Bible, which heretofore had been a closed book to me.

Shortly after this a discordant condition which had persisted since infancy, and which no material remedy could heal, completely disappeared. I have experienced many beautiful healings, which have been golden opportunities to recognize God's presence and power, such as the overcoming of colds, headaches, eczema, boils, indigestion, quick temper, and many other erroneous conditions; and the replacing of them with health, humility, peace, and a better understanding of and love for God and my fellow men.

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