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Testimonies of Healing

I should like to tell of an almost...

From the September 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I should like to tell of an almost instantaneous healing of a burned eye. One holiday a party of us were going on a picnic. I had been trying to finish some last bits of work so as to be ready to start, and I decided to curl the ends of my hair between jobs. When I went to the iron it was hotter than usual, but instead of waiting for it to cool I started curling my hair. In some way the cord became twisted and as I drew the iron out, the cord caught on my elbow, causing the iron to strike the eyeball, over the pupil. I was frightened, but started saying "the scientific statement of being," as given on page 468 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and I had my eldest son say the Lord's Prayer; but the pain was so great that I ran over to a neighbor's to call a Christian Science practitioner. When the neighbor looked at my eye she said, "Oh, you have put your eye out." After calling the practitioner I went home and lay down, all the time trying to remember the spiritual interpretation for "eyes" (ibid.,p.586). Not long after this the doorbell rang and the practitioner and her daughter came, although I had not asked them to do so. (The neighbor had called them after I left and told them she thought my eye had been put out.) I asked, "What is the spiritual meaning of 'eyes' as Mrs. Eddy gives it?" She said, "Spiritual discernment." I told her it felt as if a curtain had been hung over that one eye. The practitioner said, "There is no obstruction in divine Mind," and at this moment the sense of obstruction was removed, so that I could see almost as well as before. In a few days the irritation was gone.

For this and many other demonstrations I am indeed grateful, and my daily prayer is that I may grow more grateful for the many blessings I have received.—

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