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Testimonies of Healing

I have received much good since...

From the March 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have received much good since Christian Science came to my rescue. After the passing on of my husband I had a great fear of insanity as the result of worry and grief. His business was left for me to look after; I was unfamiliar with it, and it seemed as if an unconquerable mountain had appeared before me. There were many days when I was unable to perform my regular duties, and I was gradually growing worse. I asked a dear Christian Science practitioner for help, and found relief as my difficulties began to disappear. This was like "a new heaven and a new earth," for where there had been worry and discord I now found peace and happiness.

My son was healed of typhoid fever in one week. When he was out of employment and living in undesirable surroundings, he was able to find a solution to his problem. We told a practitioner of his case. Her words were, "Get up and get out of here and find something better." In three days a way was opened for him to secure a position in another state. He has since had employment and better opportunities than were ever offered to him before.

My daughter, according to a doctor's opinion, was passing on with measles and pneumonia fever. The doctor left our home, telling me that he need not call any more, as there was nothing that could help the child. She was completely healed in three Christian Science treatments. The doctor saw the child afterwards; and upon seeing her in perfect health he said, "Nothing but God could have healed this child." When he heard that we had had Christian Science treatment for her, he told me to continue in Christian Science, for it had accomplished a task which material remedies had failed to do.

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