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From the March 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ONE of the problems constantly confronting mankind is that of supply. The word "supply" is generally used to designate the specific requirement to meet the sense of lack of those commodities deemed necessary in human experience. In the spiritual sense of the word, the real man is and always will be receptive to the constant supply of good which is being poured out by God, infinite Spirit, to meet the needs of His spiritual creation.

The word "supply," therefore, expresses the counter fact of seeming lack, whether of health, wealth, home, or friends. False beliefs are being paraded by so-called mortal mind in the endeavor to create the mist which claims to separate man from the Father-Mother God. The fact that mankind has been deceived into believing this separation to be actual shows the need for a way whereby to rise above materiality and to see the spiritual universe as forever intact.

Through her writings our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, has given to the world complete instructions as to how this problem of supply can be solved. In Article XXIV, Section 5, of the Church Manual, by Mrs. Eddy, is a By-Law which should be studied and constantly practiced. It reads, "God requires wisdom, economy, and brotherly love to characterize all the proceedings of the members of The Mother Church. The First Church of Christ, Scientist." The careful study of these words will reveal to one the solution for the problem of lack.

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