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Testimonies of Healing

I desire to give thanks for many...

From the April 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I desire to give thanks for many benefits received through Christian Science.

Twenty-eight years ago this religion was first presented to me, but I rejected it because it was the work of a woman. Fifteen years ago it was again brought to my notice through literature left in the lounge of a hotel where I was staying. At that time I was suffering a great deal, so I planned to see a practitioner; but just then I moved from that place and did not follow up the matter. About thirteen and a half years ago, when my need was greatest, a copy of our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, was lent to me by one not herself interested in Christian Science, and it opened a door which can never be shut.

I have been healed of many complaints, including suicidal tendencies, influenza, which I have not had for years now, deafness, sciatica, swollen liver, a nervous breakdown, a stiff knee, the taking of alcoholic drinks to please other people, excess of coffee and tea, tobacco smoking (fifty to sixty cigarettes a day), and many other things. Difficulties due to differences of race, language, nationality, and class have been overcome. I was healed of lack through giving. I used to have frequent bilious attacks, headaches, and colds, but these are very much less frequent now. Some of these healings have been slow, some quick, even instantaneous. In some cases I have had the loving help of practitioners; in others my own slight understanding has sufficed.

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