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Testimonies of Healing

I have received so many blessings...

From the May 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have received so many blessings through the study and application of Christian Science that it is with a very grateful heart I give this testimony, in the hope that my experience may help others to find this panacea for all ills, even those pronounced hopeless and incurable.

Many years ago I became afflicted with what a reputable physician called varicose veins, and was forced to wear full-length elastic stockings on both limbs. This condition was very painful, especially during the hot summer weather. Now and then a vein would break, necessitating the use of adhesive plaster to prevent the skin from breaking. This problem seemed very stubborn, but through the earnest, persistent application of Christian Science the healing was complete.

I had tried many times to dispense with the elastic stockings, but without them I was unable to stand half a minute. Finally, upon awakening one very hot August morning, I knew in my consciousness I was healed, for all sense of the disease and the fear of it had left me. I arose and threw away the elastic stockings. There has never been a return of this trouble. The remarkable part of this healing was that the stockings were taken off at a time when mortal theory claimed it was most impossible to do without them, the weather being very hot and a fresh break in a vein being evident. From this I learned a most helpful lesson—that Christian Science treatment does not aim to change physical phenomena, but rather to lift consciousness into that perfect state of being which is always present.

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