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Testimonies of Healing

It is recorded in the Bible that...

From the June 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is recorded in the Bible that after each miracle Jesus performed the people glorified God; and so this testimony is given to the glory of God and with my grateful thanks to our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, who has explained the teachings of Jesus the Christ so plainly and satisfactorily in the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," that I was able to accept Christian Science and become a Christian.

I was born a Jewess. There was no Jewish temple in the town in which we lived, and my mother allowed us as small children to go to a Christian Sunday school. It was there that I first heard about this wonderful man Jesus and learned to love him for the good deeds he performed for others. I have always been grateful to that church, because it was there that the desire to become a Christian was born in my thought—my first step toward Christian Science.

While I was attending a Salvation Army song service a few years later a dear woman asked me if I would like to love Jesus and become a Christian. My heart leaped, but I said, "I cannot; I am a Jewess." She replied wisely, "If the desire ever does come, don't crush it; think about it." It was the first bit of encouragement I had received. That night as I prayed I found myself saying, "Dear God, I do love Jesus;" and with all my being I wished that I might become a Christian and acknowledge it before the whole world. I cherished it in my heart; and it is interesting to note that the fulfillment of my prayer began in that very year.

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