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Testimonies of Healing

This testimony is an expression of...

From the June 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This testimony is an expression of gratitude for many blessings which have come to me during the years since I first became interested in Christian Science. My first healings —one of a need for wearing eyeglasses and the other of a severe case of stomach trouble—were accomplished through the reading of our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," written by our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy. Since that time I have had many healings, most notable among them being that of a broken leg. This seemed to be a rather stubborn case, partly owing to circumstances over which I had no control. The healing, however, came through the work of a faithful Christian Science practitioner, and is perfect.

I am grateful, too, for the help I have been given in the solving of financial problems, and also in my daily work. The study and application of the teachings of Christian Science have given me a very different outlook on life, and I am learning how to be gratefully satisfied with my work and my surroundings.

I am grateful for the privilege of membership in The Mother Church and also in a branch church, and for the benefits which come through our church services and the reading of our literature.—

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