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Testimonies of Healing

[Original testimony in German]

I was privileged to experience the...

From the July 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was privileged to experience the deep significance of Jesus' beautiful words, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free," when, through God's wonderful guidance, I was led to Christian Science.

For fourteen years I suffered from a serious heart and nervous trouble, coupled with anxiety, tormenting insomnia, weakness, and indigestion. Although during all these years of suffering I consulted eighteen doctors, applied all their prescriptions and medicines most conscientiously, went to health resorts for those suffering from heart disease, and tried electrical treatment, my condition did not improve. At last I went to a highly recommended doctor who lived in a distant city. She took a humane and loving interest in me, and there seemed to be a slight improvement; but it did not last long. Then came a time of severest suffering and weakness; I was near despair, and did not know which way to turn.

While I often sought comfort in the Bible, and clung to its beautiful promises intended for all mankind, I was not healed, because my concept of God was erroneous and I did not understand the laws of Life. And yet, how near the Lord was with His help! In my extremity a dear relative brought me the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Eagerly I studied this beautiful book, which explains God to us as Love and teaches us to recognize the true man, free from sickness and sin. As I read the book I realized that it was only my erroneous thinking that was holding me in a condition of suffering, and that God never inflicts sickness upon man, as I had always thought.

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